Pistachios: Everything You Need to Know

Did you know that hearing the crack of a pistachio shell is considered good luck in some countries? What about this nut’s distant cousins—mangos and poison ivy? Then there’s the whole weird green color (thanks to chlorophyll), and we’ve heard talk of Turkey wanting to fuel a town entirely on pistachio shells. Needless to say, there’s a lot to about this strange nut and its strange history.

Golfing to Give Back: Fall 2017 Tournament

LUFKIN, TEXAS — More than 250 golfers took to the greens Monday to raise money for the Brookshire Brothers Charitable Foundation, which distributes grants to regional non-profits each January.

In Harvey's wake: Hearts the size of Texas

The unprecedented flooding following Hurricane Harvey has tapped into the strength of our communities and company like never before. We’ve seen favorite couches stiff and ruined on curbs, stores flickering out of power, lives being entirely rewritten—and yet, even as the thunder rolled and the rain fell, there’s been joy at the core of tragedy. At the time Harvey eyed the Texas coast, Lufkin’s own “Thundering 13” eyed the Little League National Championship. Together, these two storms came to embody the heart of Brookshire Brothers and our response to this disaster.

Your Community Grocer: August

In this fast-paced world, it's very easy to get caught up in the mechanics of just existing. Days becomes reduced to an eat-sleep-work-repeat routine, which is why those moments when we rise above the whirlwind to take a breath and stretch out a hand to someone else—in love, over a meal, in friendship, whatever it may be—those are the times we discover something profound: life.  With the last minute summer vacations and hustle of school starting, August is often particularly busy.

Take the Labor Out of Labor Day!

Labor Day may be just around the corner, but you can keep it labor-free with one of these quick recipes that can be made in advance! Whether you are enjoying a day at the lake or hosting a backyard barbeque, your food will impress your loved ones—and you’ll get to enjoy the party yourself! ...

Dorm Room Delicious

A Grocery Guide for College StudentsWhile college has long been associated with fun and glory, it’s also been proven time and time again as a critical development stage in young adults. The patterns that college students establish in terms of love, work, and play largely become the patterns they keep for the majority of their lives, as established by psychologists such as Dr. Meg Jay (author of the bestselling “The Defining Decade: Why Your Twenties Matter—And How to Make the Most of Them”).

9 Suggestions for School Lunches

It’s back-to-school time, which means new supplies, books, sneakers… and lunch kits! One way to keep kids excited about school is by packing lunches that are real fresh and real delicious.

5 Fun Ways to Fix S'mores

Any day that commemorates s’mores will be a beautiful day, but #NationalSmoreDay (Aug. 10) is also likely going to be very hot. If you’re looking to bring the fun indoors while celebrating this classic campfire treat, we’ve got recipes for every need.

Seasonal Produce: Summer Refresher

In our current society of instant everything, it’s easy to forget that some things aren't so “ready-right-now.” Produce is one such thing that often requires extra time and patience. Sure, some fruits and vegetables are available to purchase all year round, but there’s usually a time and place when you can get them at their best flavor and greatest value. It may be hard, for example, not to indulge a craving for summer blueberries at any time during the year, but consider how during the winter it would take two weeks for blueberries to be shipped from Chile—with tax.